Results for 'I. O. Lysyi'

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  1. The problem of terminology in the study of student conceptions in science.I. O. Abimbola - 1988 - Science Education 72 (2):175-184.
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    A human in the urban space of the globalized world.I. O. Merylova & K. V. Sokolova - 2020 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 18:113-120.
    Purpose. The purpose of the research is to define certain interaction features between a human and the urban environment in the global world. Theoretical basis. The study in based on the investigations of contemporary researchers in social philosophy and urban science, as well as social scientists of Chicago School. Originality. The originality of the research is to analyze the "human-urban space" system in terms of the influence of local space of the global world on the human identity formation and preservation. (...)
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    Recreational Space as the Embodiment of the Garden of Eden Archetype.I. O. Merylova & K. V. Sokolova - 2024 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 25:77-83.
    _The purpose _of the article is to research the spiritual basis and motivation of human activity in the relationships between humans and the natural environment to create various forms of recreational spaces in the socio-cultural context of the post-industrial era. _Theoretical basis._ The research is based on the approach of analytical psychology by C. Jung, who identified the archetypes of the collective unconscious. These archetypes help overcome the limitations of the functional and pragmatic approach, which is focused on mere survival. (...)
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    Access to Tablet Portable Computers and Undergraduates Reading Culture: The experience of a Nigerian University.I. O. O. Amali, A. Yusuf, D. S. Daramola & M. B. Bello - 2015 - Human and Social Studies 4 (3):42-51.
    This paper examines the use of tablet personal computers and how they interfere with Nigerian undergraduates reading culture and love for educational books. The study adopts a descriptive research design. The University of Ilorin undergraduates constitute the population for this study while 200 level students of three faculties across the university constitute the target population. Stratified sampling technique was used to sample the needed respondents. A researchers’ designed questionnaire was use for data collection. The collected data was analysed using descriptive (...)
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    Cases Against Tronscendence: Gilles Deleuze and Bruno Lotour in Defence of.I. O. Chopter - 2012 - In Laurent de Sutter & Kyle McGee (eds.), Deleuze and Law. Deleuze Connections. pp. 185.
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    Max Weber on Russia (Review of the Latest Publications).I. O. Dementev - 2020 - Sociology of Power 32 (4):217-229.
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  7. Hitman: Blood Money.[XBOX360].I. O. Interactive - forthcoming - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte.
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    Anthropological foundations of the concept of "crime" in historico-philosophical discourse.I. O. Kovnierova - 2020 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 17:131-143.
    Purpose. The paper considers the establishment of the paradigmatic determinants of the understanding of crime on the basis of fundamental changes in understanding of the essence of a man in ancient, medieval, Renaissance, modern and postmodern philosophy. Theoretical basis. The author determines that the understanding of the concept of crime is possible only in the combination of historical, philosophical, legal and sociological approaches. The interpretation of the essence of this concept dynamics and relevant legal practices is based on structuralist, post-structuralist (...)
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    Законодавча діяльність ісландського єпископату у другій половині хі – першій половині хіі ст.I. O. Kravchenko - 2008 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 45:56-66.
    A number of scholars in the history of medieval Iceland have emphasized the exceptional importance of law and justice for Icelandic society. According to American researcher J. Bajok, the focus of Iceland's culture was law, and the relationship between Godi and his heirs was also based on law. The nature of Iceland's socio-political institutions reveals the circumstances in which Icelanders' attitudes towards the law were shaped. The royal power in the country during the Commonwealth period did not arise, and the (...)
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    Практика виборів та висвячення вищого кліру в середньовічній ісландії.I. O. Kravchenko - 2008 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 47:108-119.
    The position of bishop in medieval Europe was important not only religiously but also politically and culturally. Top clergy often performed secular authority in their city and diocese. European canonical practice of the early Middle Ages developed a system where election and consecration into the bishopric became an integral and decisive element of ministry. Spiritual service was thus considered elective and sacred. In the 60s of the XII century. the already mature concept of confirmatio indicated that the powers of each (...)
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    Hebräische Handschriften der Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt am MainHebraische Handschriften der Stadt- und Universitatsbibliothek Frankfurt am Main.I. O. Lehman, Ernst Róth, Leo Prijs & Ernst Roth - 1993 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 113 (3):497.
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    Hebräische Handschriften, Vol. 3Hebraische Handschriften, Vol. 3.I. O. Lehman, Ernst Róth, Hans Striedl & Ernst Roth - 1991 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 111 (3):646.
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    Collocation in Turkish linguistics: problems of definition and main areas of research.I. O. Onal - 2019 - Liberal Arts in Russia 8 (3):191.
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    Educating children and youth with special needs within the context of Universal Basic Educating in Nigeria.I. O. Osokoya - 2008 - Sophia: An African Journal of Philosophy 10 (1).
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    Privatization of University education in Africa: Lessons from the theories and practices of the United States of America and Japan.I. O. Osokoya - 2008 - Sophia: An African Journal of Philosophy 10 (1).
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  16. Studying John: Approaches to the Fourth Gospel (John Ashton).O. Tu I. - 1996 - Heythrop Journal 37:527-527.
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  17. Kinh học Nho Gia ở Việt Nam và Đông Á: di sản và giá trị: kỷ yếu hội thảo khoa học quốc tế.Tài Đông Nguyễn (ed.) - 2023 - Hà Nội: Nhà xuất bản Đại học quốc gia Hà Nội.
    Confucian classics studies in Vietnam and Eastern Asia; proceedings.
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  18. Khái lược lịch sử tư tưởng triết học Việt Nam.Tài Đông Nguyễn (ed.) - 2016 - Hà Nội: Nhà xuất bản Đại học sư phạm.
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    Filosofii͡a, Ėtika I Pravo V Anesteziologii-Reanimatologii.I. O. Elʹkin - 2006 - Bonum. Edited by V. M. Egorov & S. I. Blokhina.
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    Does self-efficacy mediate transfer effects in the learning of easy and difficult motor skills?David Stevens, David I. Anderson, Nicholas J. O’Dwyer & A. Mark Williams - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (3):1122-1128.
    The effect of task difficulty on inter-task transfer is a classic issue in motor learning. We examined the relation between self-efficacy and transfer of learning after practicing different versions of a stick balancing task. Practicing the same task or an easier version led to significant pre- to post-test transfer of learning, whereas practicing a more difficult version did not. Self-efficacy increased modestly from pre- to post-test with easy practice, but decreased significantly with difficult practice. In addition, self-efficacy immediately prior to (...)
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    Philosophy of value: concepts and issues.Douglas I. O. Anele, Modestus N. Onyeaghalaji & Peter Osimiri (eds.) - 2021 - Lagos, Nigeria: University of Lagos, Press and Bookshop.
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    The Nature of Normal Science: Arthur Compton’s Research Programme as an Exemplar.Douglas I. O. Anele - 2014 - Philosophy Study 4 (6).
    Thomas S. Kuhn’s theory of normal science (NS), aside from being a provocative philosophical reconstruction of the relatively conservative phase of scientific research, contains useful ideas for systematic analysis of specific episodes in the history of science. Therefore, although the theory has been looked at from different angles since the first edition of The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (TSSR) was published in 1962, its detailed exploration of the cumulative phase of research in mature science is of abiding relevance in the (...)
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    Western Technical Civilization and Regional Cultures in Nigeria.Douglas I. O. Anele - 2010 - Cultura 7 (2):38-53.
    This paper examines the impact of the introduction of Western (European) technical civilization on regional cultures in Nigeria, using Igboland in South-EasternNigeria as a test case. It begins with a discussion of some general features of Western technical civilization whose evolution has been profoundly influenced by technological advances in Europe and her cultural colonies in North America and elsewhere. Consequences of the contact between Western technical civilization and traditional Igbo culture are also examined. The paper concludes by discussing the challenging (...)
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  24. Rfvfrsiblf loss of rfsponsf inhibition following dfposit of coppfr ions in rat caudatf.Larry L. Butcher & I. -O. X. S. - 1965 - In Karl W. Linsenmann (ed.), Proceedings. St. Louis, Lutheran Academy for Scholarship. pp. 97.
  25. Andrada Pârvu, Gabriel Roman, Silvia dumitraş, Rodica gramma, Mariana enache, ștefana Maria moisa.Radu Chiriţă, I. O. V. Cătălin & Beatrice Ioan - 2012 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 11 (31).
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    Liberal States – Nations, Idolatry and Violence: Cavanaugh's Migrations of the Holy.Isis I. O. Leslie - forthcoming - Theory and Event 15 (3).
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    Zhiznennye t︠s︡eli lichnosti: poni︠a︡tie, struktura, mekhanizmy formirovanii︠a︡.I. O. Martyni︠u︡k - 1990 - Kiev: Nauk. dumka.
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    Attitude and preferences of Nigerian antenatal women to social support during labour.I. O. Morhason-Bello, O. Olayemi, O. A. Ojengbede, B. O. Adedokun, O. O. Okuyemi & B. Orji - 2008 - Journal of Biosocial Science 40 (4):553.
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    T'oegye: saram toen tori rŭl palk'inŭn sam ŭl salla.Ch'I.-ŏk Yi & Ki-hyŏn Kim (eds.) - 2015 - Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si: 21-segi Puksŭ.
    언제까지 답 없는 삶을 살 것인가! 인류의 위대한 스승에게 묻고, 대한민국 대표 지성이 답하다! ◎ 출판사 서평 위대한 스승, 퇴계에게 묻고 싶은 삶에 대한 질문과 답 29 누구나 인생을 살다 보면 삶에 대한 본질적인 질문들을 품게 된다. 이러한 고민들을 인류의 위대한 스승 퇴계에게 묻는다면, 그는 우리에게 어떤 대답을 해줄 수 있을까? 『인생교과서 퇴계』(21세기북스 펴냄)는 퇴계에게 묻고 싶은 29개의 질문을 통해 그의 삶과 철학을 살펴보고, 현대를 살아가는 우리에게 필요한 퇴계의 정신이 무엇인지 알아보고자 한다. ‘퇴계’ 하면 고지식한 유학자, 건조하기 짝이 없는 이기심성론의 (...)
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  30. The Bundle Theory of Substance and the Identity of Indiscernibles.John O'Leary-Hawthorne - 1995 - Analysis 55 (3):191 - 196.
    The strongest version of the principle of the Identity of Indiscernibles states that of necessity, there are no distinct things with all their universals in common (where such putative haecceities as being Aristotle do not count as universals: I use 'universal' rather than 'property' here and in what follows for the simple reason that 'universal' is the term of art that most safely excludes haecceities from its instances). It is commonly supposed that Max Black's famous paper 'The identity of indiscernibles' (...)
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  31. Why Bioethics Should Be Concerned With Medically Unexplained Symptoms.Diane O'Leary - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (5):6-15.
    Biomedical diagnostic science is a great deal less successful than we've been willing to acknowledge in bioethics, and this fact has far-reaching ethical implications. In this article I consider the surprising prevalence of medically unexplained symptoms, and the term's ambiguous meaning. Then I frame central questions that remain answered in this context with respect to informed consent, autonomy, and truth-telling. Finally, I show that while considerable attention in this area is given to making sure not to provide biological care to (...)
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  32. Against hearing meanings.Casey O'Callaghan - 2011 - Philosophical Quarterly 61 (245):783-807.
    Listening to speech in a language you know differs phenomenologically from listening to speech in an unfamiliar language, a fact often exploited in debates about the phenomenology of thought and cognition. It is plausible that the difference is partly perceptual. Some contend that hearing familiar language involves auditory perceptual awareness of meanings or semantic properties of spoken utterances; but if this were so, there must be something distinctive it is like auditorily to perceptually experience specific meanings of spoken utterances. However, (...)
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  33. Object Perception: Vision and Audition.Casey O’Callaghan - 2008 - Philosophy Compass 3 (4):803-829.
    Vision has been the primary focus of naturalistic philosophical research concerning perception and perceptual experience. Guided by visual experience and vision science, many philosophers have focused upon theoretical issues dealing with the perception of objects. Recently, however, hearing researchers have discussed auditory objects. I present the case for object perception in vision, and argue that an analog of object perception occurs in auditory perception. I propose a notion of an auditory object that is stronger than just that of an intentional (...)
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  34. Theism and Ultimate Explanation.Timothy O’Connor - 2010 - Philosophia Christi 12 (2):265-272.
    Twentieth-century analytic philosophy was dominated by positivist antimetaphysics and neo-Humean deflationary metaphysics, and the nature of explanation was reconceived in order to fit these agendas. Unsurprisingly, the explanatory value of theist was widely discredited. I argue that the long-overdue revival of moralized, broadly neo-Aristotelian metaphysics and an improved perspective on modal knowledge dramatically changes the landscape. In this enriched context, there is no sharp divide between physics and metaphysics, and the natural end of the theoretician’s quest for a unified explanation (...)
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  35. Directed Panspermia, Wild Animal Suffering, and the Ethics of World‐Creation.Gary David O'Brien - 2021 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 39 (1):87-102.
    Directed panspermia is the deliberate seeding of lifeless planets with microbes, in the hopes that, over evolutionary timescales, they will give rise to a complex self-sustaining biosphere on the target planet. Due to the immense distances and timescales involved, human beings are unlikely ever to see the fruits of their labours. Such missions must therefore be justified by appeal to values independent of human wellbeing. In this paper I investigate the values that a directed panspermia mission might promote. Paying special (...)
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  36. Easy for You to Say.Maggie O’Brien - 2022 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 100 (3):429-442.
    ABSTRACT This paper argues that the retort ‘easy for you to say’ is a complaint about the target’s standing, but that it invokes a standing norm that is unjustified. Moreover, I argue that in many cases the person for whom it is ‘easy to say’ should speak.
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    Homage to Clio, or, toward an historical philosophy for evolutionary biology.Robert J. O'Hara - 1988 - Systematic Zoology 37 (2): 142–155.
    Discussions of the theory and practice of systematics and evolutionary biology have heretofore revolved around the views of philosophers of science. I reexamine these issues from the different perspective of the philosophy of history. Just as philosophers of history distinguish between chronicle (non-interpretive or non-explanatory writing) and narrative history (interpretive or explanatory writing), I distinguish between evolutionary chronicle (cladograms, broadly construed) and narrative evolutionary history. Systematics is the discipline which estimates the evolutionary chronicle. ¶ Explanations of the events described in (...)
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  38. The Subjective Authority of Intention.Lilian O’Brien - 2019 - Philosophical Quarterly 69 (275):354-373.
    While much has been written about the functional profile of intentions, and about their normative or rational status, comparatively little has been said about the subjective authority of intention. What is it about intending that explains the ‘hold’ that an intention has on an agent—a hold that is palpable from her first-person perspective? I argue that several prima facie appealing explanations are not promising. Instead, I maintain that the subjective authority of intention can be explained in terms of the inner (...)
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    The having objection to bundle theories of subjects of experience.Donnchadh O'Conaill - 2024 - Philosophical Quarterly 74 (4):1367-1375.
    The self or subject of experiences is often regarded as a mysterious entity, prompting approaches that seek to deflate it, metaphysically speaking. One such approach is the bundle theory, the most well-known version of which holds that each subject is a bundle of experiences. This version of the bundle theory seems vulnerable to the having objection: since subjects have experiences, they cannot be identical with bundles of experiences. I shall argue that while the having objection is intuitively plausible, its dialectical (...)
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  40. The Cyrenaics on Pleasure, Happiness, and Future-Concern.Tim O'Keefe - 2002 - Phronesis 47 (4):395-416.
    The Cyrenaics assert that (1) particular pleasure is the highest good, and happiness is valued not for its own sake, but only for the sake of the particular pleasures that compose it; (2) we should not forego present pleasures for the sake of obtaining greater pleasure in the future. Their anti-eudaimonism and lack of future-concern do not follow from their hedonism. So why do they assert (1) and (2)? After reviewing and criticizing the proposals put forward by Annas, Irwin and (...)
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  41. Is Epicurean Friendship Altruistic?Tim O'Keefe - 2001 - Apeiron 34 (4):269 - 305.
    Epicurus is strongly committed to psychological and ethical egoism and hedonism. However, these commitments do not square easily with many of the claims made by Epicureans about friendship: for instance, that the wise man will sometimes die for his friend, that the wise man will love his friend as much as himself, feel exactly the same toward his friend as toward himself, and exert himself as much for his friend's pleasure as for his own, and that every friendship is worth (...)
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  42. Libertarian views: Dualist and agent-causal theories.Timothy O’Connor - 2001 - In Robert Kane (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Free Will. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This essay will canvass recent philosophical accounts of human agency that deploy a notion of “self” (or “agent”) causation. Some of these accounts try to explicate this notion, whereas others only hint at its nature in contrast with the causality exhibited by impersonal physical systems. In these latter theories, the authors’ main argumentative burden is that the apparent fundamental differences between persona and impersonal causal activity strongly suggest mind-body dualism. I begin by noting two distinct, yet not commonly distinguished, philosophical (...)
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  43. The Normativity of Nature in Epicurean Ethics and Politics.Tim O’Keefe - 2021 - In Peter Adamson & Christof Rapp (eds.), State and Nature: Studies in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 181-199.
    Appeals to nature are ubiquitous in Epicurean ethics and politics. The foundation of Epicurean ethics is its claim that pleasure is the sole intrinsic good and pain the sole intrinsic evil, and this is supposedly shown by the behavior of infants who have not yet been corrupted, "when nature's judgement is pure and whole." Central to their recommendations about how to attain pleasure is their division between types of desires: the natural and necessary ones, the natural but non-necessary ones, and (...)
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  44. The Ontological Status of Sensible Qualities for Democritus and Epicurus.Timothy O’Keefe - 1997 - Ancient Philosophy 17 (1):119-134.
    One striking oddity about Democritus and Epicurus is that, even though Epicurus' theory of perception is largely the same as that of Democritus, Democritus and his followers draw skeptical conclusions from this theory of perception, whereas Epicurus declares that all perceptions are true or real. I believe that the dispute between Democritus and Epicurus stems from a question over what sort of ontological status should be assigned to sensible qualities. In this paper, I address three questions: 1) Why were Democritus (...)
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    Conservatism Reconsidered.David O'brien - 2022 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 8 (1):149-168.
    G. A. Cohen has argued that there is a surprising truth in conservatism—namely, that there is a reason for some valuable things to be preserved, even if they could be replaced with other, more valuable things. This conservative thesis is motivated, Cohen suggests, by our judgments about a range of hypothetical cases. After reconstructing Cohen's conservative thesis, I argue that the relevant judgments about these cases do not favor the conservative thesis over standard, nonconservative axiological views. But I then argue (...)
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    Beneficence, Non-Identity, and Responsibility: How Identity-Affecting Interventions in Nature can Generate Secondary Moral Duties.Gary David O’Brien - 2021 - Philosophia 50 (3):887-898.
    In chapter 3 of Wild Animal Ethics Johannsen argues for a collective obligation based on beneficence to intervene in nature in order to reduce the suffering of wild animals. In the same chapter he claims that the non-identity problem is merely a “theoretical puzzle” which doesn’t affect our reasons for intervention. In this paper I argue that the non-identity problem affects both the strength and the nature of our reasons to intervene. By intervening in nature on a large scale we (...)
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  47. Ancient Theories of Freedom and Determinism.Tim O'Keefe - 2020 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy:00-00.
    A fairly long (~15,000 word) overview of ancient theories of freedom and determinism. It covers the supposed threat of causal determinism to "free will," i.e., the sort of control we need to have in order to be rightly held responsible for our actions. But it also discusses fatalistic arguments that proceed from the Principle of Bivalence, what responsibility we have for our own characters, and god and fate. Philosophers discussed include Aristotle, Epicurus, the Stoics, Carneades, Alexander of Aphrodisias, and Plotinus. (...)
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    Subjectivity and Non-Objectifying Awareness.Donnchadh O’Conaill - 2024 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 15 (1):91-111.
    We are each aware of our own experiences as they occur, but in this inner awareness our experiences do not seem to be presented to us as objects in the way that they typically are when we reflect on them. A number of philosophers, principally in the phenomenological tradition, have characterised this in terms of inner awareness being a non-objectifying mode of awareness. This claim has faced persistent objections that the notion of non-objectifying awareness is obscure or merely negatively characterised. (...)
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  49. The Concept of Mediation in Hegel and Adorno.Brian O’Connor - 1999 - Hegel Bulletin 20 (1-2):84-96.
    Given its centrality to the intellectual thought processes through which the great structures of logic, nature, and spirit are unfolded it is clear that mediation is vital to the very possibility of Hegel’s encyclopaedic philosophy. Yet Hegel gives little specific explanation of the concept of mediation. Surprisingly, it has been the subject of even less attention by scholars of Hegel. Nevertheless it is casually used in discussions of Hegel and post- Hegelian philosophy as though its meaning were simple and straightforward. (...)
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    Exotic invasions, nativism, and ecological restoration: On the persistence of a contentious debate.William O’Brien - 2006 - Ethics, Place and Environment 9 (1):63 – 77.
    Proponents of ecological restoration view the practice as a means of both repairing damage done to ecosystems by humans and creating an avenue to re-establish respectful and cooperative human-environment relationships. One debate affecting ecological restoration focuses on the place of 'exotic' species in restored ecosystems. Though popular, campaigns against exotics have been criticized for their troubling rhetorical parallels with nativism aimed at human immigrants. I point to some of the reasons why this critique of nativism persists, despite protests that no (...)
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